Web Services
Develop and Deploy Web Services in Tomcat 6
We shall develop web services in JDK and deploy in Tomcat first, and using IDE tools such as Eclipse and Netbeans later.
Step 1: Implement the Web Service
Let us begin by writing a web service, using JAX-WS (Java API for XML - Web Services) provided in JDK 1.6. JAX-WS is the technology for building web services in Java.
- Write a web service end-point implementation (SEI) class called
, in packagehelloservice
. Save your source file as "helloservice\Hello.java
". (You cannot use the default package for SEI.)package helloservice; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.jws.WebMethod; /** * Web Service End-point implementation class */ @WebService public class Hello { // Constructor public void Hello() {} @WebMethod public String sayHello(String name) { return "Hello, " + name + "."; } @WebMethod public int addNumbers(int number1, int number2) { return number1 + number2; } @WebMethod public double divideNumbers(int dividend, int divisor) throws DivideNumbersException { if (divisor == 0) { throw new DivideNumbersException("Divisor cannot be zero!"); } return (double)dividend/divisor; } }
We also need to write theDivideNumbersException
used in the above program:package helloservice; public class DivideNumbersException extends Exception { public DivideNumbersException(String message) { super(message); } }
Explanation:- The annotation
specifies that this class is meant as a web service. - Three methods are annotated with
. That is, these methods are accessible by the clients.
- The annotation
- Compile the source codes:
> cd package-base-directory > javac helloservice\*.java
- Use JDK's
tool to generate all the portable artifacts needed for web service deployment and invocation, as follows:> cd package-base-directory > wsgen -classpath . -keep helloservice.Hello
The following classes will be generated in sub-directoryjaxws
(more precisely, in packagehelloservice.jaxws
). The "-keep" option keeps the generated source files.SayHello.class SayHelloResponse.class AddNumbers.class AddNumbersResponse.class DivideNumbers.class DivideNumbersExceptionBean.class DivideNumbersResponse.class
Observe that for each web method exposed, two classes were generated:WebMethod.class
. An exception bean was further created for theDivideNumbersException
Step 2: Download and install JAX-WS Runtime for Tomcat
- Download the JAX-WS Runtime from https://jax-ws.dev.java.net. From the "Downloads" link, choose the latest version.
- Download the binary. Unpack the binary by double clicking the downloaded jar file (or run the JDK's
tool). - Copy all the jar files from the JAX-WS's "
" directory to Tomcat's "lib
" directory (i.e., "$CATALINA_HOME\lib
Step 3: Deploy the Web Service in Tomcat
- First, create a context (or web application) called
for our web service in Tomcat, by creating a sub-directory calledhellows
. Also create a subdirectory "WEB-INF
" and sub-sub-directory "WEB-INF\classes
" under the context root directory. - Copy all the implementation and generated artifact classes (i.e., the directory
) into "WEB-INF\classes
". (Alternatively, you could create and deploy as a sinle WAR (Web Archive) file). - Write the following web configuration file "
" and save it in "WEB-INF
".<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" version="2.5"> <listener> <listener-class>com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServletContextListener</listener-class> </listener> <servlet> <servlet-name>HelloService</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServlet</servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>HelloService</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/hello</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <session-config> <session-timeout>60</session-timeout> </session-config> </web-app>
- Write the following configuration file for JAX-WS called "
" and save it in "WEB-INF
" to define the end-points for the web service:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <endpoints xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jax-ws/ri/runtime" version="2.0"> <endpoint name="HelloService" implementation="helloservice.Hello" url-pattern="/hello" /> </endpoints>
- Start Tomcat. Observe these messages in Tomcat's console:
...... xxxxx com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServletContextListener contextInitialized INFO: WSSERVLET12: JAX-WS context listener initializing xxxxx com.sun.xml.ws.model.RuntimeModeler getRequestWrapperClass INFO: Dynamically creating request wrapper Class helloservice.jaxws.Hello xxxxx com.sun.xml.ws.model.RuntimeModeler getResponseWrapperClass INFO: Dynamically creating response wrapper bean Class helloservice.jaxws.HelloResponse xxxxx com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServletDelegate <init> INFO: WSSERVLET14: JAX-WS servlet initializing ......
- Issue the following URL (assuming that Tomcat is running in port 8080):
- You could click on the WSDL (Web Service Description Language), to study the descriptions about this web service.
Now, a web service has been published. Let us write a client program (in Java) to access this web service.
- Write the following Java standalone program called
:import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceRef; import helloservice.HelloService; import helloservice.Hello; public class HelloClient { @WebServiceRef(wsdlLocation="http://localhost:8080/hellows/hello?wsdl") static HelloService service = new HelloService(); //static HelloService service; public static void main(String[] args) { try { System.out.println("Retrieving the port from the following service: " + service); Hello port = service.getHelloPort(); System.out.println("Invoking the sayHello operation on the port."); String response = port.sayHello("World"); System.out.println(response); System.out.println("Invoking the addNumbers operation on the port."); int sum = port.addNumbers(55, 66); System.out.println(sum); System.out.println("Invoking the divideNumbers operation on the port."); double quotient = port.divideNumbers(1, 0); System.out.println(quotient); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Notice that this client program imports some classes from the web service. You cannot compile unless you get these classes. - Use JDK's
tool to generate the client artifacts (i.e., the service endpoint interface and the service interface classes) (the "-keep
" option keep the generated source files):wsimport -keep http://localhost:8080/hellows/hello?wsdl
Observe that these classes (in packagehelloservice
) are generated, in particular,HelloService
class which we used in our client program:AddNumbers.class AddNumbersResponse.class DivideNumbers.class DivideNumbersException.class DivideNumbersException_Exception.class DivideNumbersResponse.class Hello.class HelloResponse.class HelloService.class Hello_Type.class ObjectFactory.class package-info.class SayHello.class SayHelloResponse.class
- Compile and run the client program:
Retrieving the port from the following service: helloservice.HelloService@xxxxxx Invoking the sayHello operation on the port. Hello, World. Invoking the addNumbers operation on the port. 121 Invoking the divideNumbers operation on the port. helloservice.DivideNumbersException_Exception: Divisor cannot be zero!
Hi Ramesh.You did good job.but one thing Ramesh.in Hello.java class you mensioned constructor with return(void)type.if you mension like this means it will treat as method but not constructor.